Are Charismatic People Better Leaders?

In every organisation, leaders play a pivotal role as they head the day-to-day operations of the entire company. We are extremely pleased to share the feature of our very own Managing Director, Mr. Jeremiah Lee, on this issue of the ‘TODAY’ newspaper. Read about his take on effective leadership and the various qualities that define a charismatic leader for him.

“Truly effective leadership comes about when leaders are the guardians of not merely a company’s balance sheet, but also the keeper of its vision and culture. An effective leader is more than just a brilliant strategist and inspiring visionary, he is also a charismatic leader who is able to clearly articulate vision in leading the company forward with exemplary character and eloquent persuasion to provide inspiring guidance.

While a common direction and strategy is important, leaders should also stay adaptable, capitalising on identified strengths and seizing opportunities to remain competitive and forge ahead of the curve.

These qualities are especially vital for young companies such as ours – a common vision and a solid foundation of ethos and culture must be established to serve as a guiding compass and framework in our pursuit for growth amidst a rapidly changing operating environment.”

Mr Jeremiah Lee
Managing Director of Kingsland Global Ltd
